Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RSS Aggregator: Useful!

I found setting up an RSS Aggregator extremely each, as much to my surprise it was already done for me. Through using “Blogger” I had already selected some of my peers’ work to be followed using its own internal RSS Aggreator in “Dashboard”. By clicking “Follow Blog” while viewing my peers’ blogs they were added to by Reading List in “Dashboard”. When I went on to set up my RSS Aggregator using “Google Reader” I found that the blogs I had already selected to follow where listed there also as “Blogger” uses my Google Account. Very quick and easy!

This technology would be very useful within a “blogging” section of assessment. For example

As part of an independent assignment, students have to set up a blog which they must post in regularly as a sort of log-book, detailing how they are travelling within the assignment, any difficulties they are having and so forth. Students would be asked to set up an RSS Aggregator as part of this to keep in touch with their fellow students, giving encouragement, advice and feedback where able. It would also make it very easy for the teacher to collect their “logbooks” and keep an eye on the progress they are making on their assessments, as well as being able to step in and help answer any questions the students have. Teachers would be able to set up their own blog in conjunction with the assessment and be able to post in their own blog useful information for the students in regards to the assessment.

A very useful tool for students and teachers alike.

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